Operation Give Life 2014 was yet another success. A huge THANK YOU goes out to anyone and everyone who attended, donated and help spread the word! Another huge thanks goes out to the Electric Run for having us as the “OFFICIAL” sponsor to their Hartford event. Also, a HUGE shout out goes to Kohl’s and their ‘Kohl’s Cares’ teams. This year, we had 9 stores volunteer to help us out. That’s super cool! All of this could not be possible with out some incredible people’s help. Karen Boyer, Austin Mabrouk, Dave Woznicki, Joe Antonio, Michelle Moniz, Denny Thorne and Drew Woodley. We will keep you posted on the final money’s raised in the next few weeks. Check out some pics from the event. Enjoy!
We have a lot more events planned, so make sure you keep checking back for updates on where we will be next! And thank you again for helping us continue the fight to find a cure for cancer!